Nuçi's Space is a non-profit health and music resource center in Athens, GA. The aim of the organization is to prevent suicide by providing obstacle free treatment for musicians suffering from depression and other such disorders as well as to assist in the emotional, physical and professional well-being of musicians.
The Drive-By Truckers and Nuçi's Space have a long history. The band does a yearly benefit for Nuçi's at the 40 Watt Club to raise money and awareness. They continue to promote and support this wonderful cause all over the world.
You can help too!

Make a Credit Card donation to Nuçi's Space via a secure online form: DONATE NOW

The mission of Tennessee Riverkeeper is to protect the Tennessee River and its tributaries by enforcing environmental laws and educating the public. The communities of the Tennessee Valley are all interconnected neighbors upstream and downstream and everyone needs clean water, whether you're black or white, rich or poor, Republican or Democrat. We advocate for the watershed to ensure that future generations will inherit safe, clean water in their communities. Tennessee Riverkeeper monitors polluters and their pollution permits, responds to citizen complaints, and utilizes other methods to further protect the Tennessee River and its tributaries. When the organization discovers illegal pollution, we will seek enforcement of environmental laws.